January 2012 archive

Fast Games

Wow. It’s amazing what you can do when you dedicate and go for it. In just three days time (actually, a little more than two, since I started late), I darn near completed a silly little video game for an online forum competition. The game is called “FayKade” (facade pronounced wrong) and takes place in …

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First ScreenShot

I think it’s safe to post this.  The only thing that will most likely change is the planet image.  The aliens are not attacking Earth in this game.  🙂  

UFO Command first playable build.

After a couple of weeks off for the holidays, the HayMan Dev Team now has a playable build of the game. There is more work needed before we make a public beta test, but we’re getting closer. Stay tuned! I must mention that our most recent team member, Positron, has taken on much of the …

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