Tag: HayManGames

Time Tank – the distraction.

I was plugging along on this Grocery Store game just fine, when all of the sudden, a GMC Jam jumped out in front of me and made me pay it more attention.  Now that the Jam is over, I still have this thing called “Time Tank” distracting me and demanding my attention.  I can’t seem …

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Smalltown Grocery – DevLog 3

I must admit, the name “Smalltown Grocery” is growing on me.  I may leave it as that, as mundane as it sounds.  lol Anyway, I have some sad news to announce.  If you’ve been following along, you may have noticed it’s been a while since my last post.  In fact, it’s been 15 days.  (Half …

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Smalltown Grocery – DevLog 2

This week I’ve managed to come closer to terms with my limitations. While trying to prototype grid-based pathfinding (using the gamemaker mp- and path functions) I have realized I will not be able to use small sized walls (4 x 4) in conjunction with larger objects (32 x 32).  When I tried it, the customer would …

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2017 Project – Grocery Store Game

The Goal – New Year’s Resolution Since it’s a New Year, I’ve decided to pursue a single game project with the goal of having a complete and polished game by the end of 2017.  I made this decision on the 2nd of January and I’ve already started creating art assets for the game.  I will …

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