Model Railroad Fan Page

RailRoad Page


TrainPlayer Info Pic/Link

If you enjoy model railroads, classic track plans, and computers, is the right place! TrainPlayer offers bold new adventures in mouse-driven armchair model railroading. Designed for the railroader who studies track plans and dreams of an empty basement — with TrainPlayer you can dream and run trains!


SpookShow TrainStuff

Go visit SpookShow TrainStuff and get lost in the model railroad process. I stumbled onto this site kinda by accident while looking for N-Scale stuff. I found an N-Scale Locomotive Encyclopedia here and then a fantastic blog covering YEARS of model railroading. Excellent reading for someone seriously thinking about building one, whether for the very first time, or after several attempts, successful or not. The blog is FULL of helpful hints and tricks, along with plain ‘ol logic that would help even the ‘Model Railroader Pro’ from time to time.


Train Games


Hay Man, if you like playing train games on your computer then clack on down the line to the Hawk & Badger Railroad website. He’s got info on Railroad Tycoon (2 and 3), an industrial expansion for RT3 called Trainmaster, and Microsoft Train Simulator. You can also find some railroad photos, some railroad history, and a novelette written by one of his forum members. Speaking of which, he’s got one of the best forum communities around.


Train Games In The HayMan’s Personal Library:

RailRoad Tycoon III
RailRoad Tycoon II
Chris Sawyer’s Locomotion
Sid Meier’s Railroads!
Microsoft Train Simulator
Trainz Railroad Simulator

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