Gift Tracker & Download Page
Thank you for participating in the GMC Secret Santa this year! I hope you have/had fun making your gifts and I hope you enjoy the gifts you receive.
(When available, Just click your gift icon to download your present!)
[table th=”0″ tf=”0″ nl=”~~” colwidth=”25%|25%|25%|25%” colalign=”center|center|center|center”]
[attr style=”background-color:#008000;”],””[attr style=”background-color:#008000;”],””[attr style=”background-color:#008000;”],””[attr style=”background-color:#008000;”]
[attr style=”background-color:#008000; color:white;”], Cat~~
[attr style=”background-color:#008000; color:white;”], chance~~
[attr style=”background-color:#008000; color:white;”], Cloaked Games~~
[attr style=”background-color:#008000;color:white;”]
Coded Games~~
[attr style=”background-color:#008000;color:white;”], GMWolf~~
[attr style=”background-color:#008000;color:white;”], Homunculus~~
[attr style=”background-color:#008000; color:white;”], Micah_DS~~
[attr style=”background-color:#008000;color:white;”]
[attr style=”background-color:#008000; color:white;”], Rui Rosario~~
[attr style=”background-color:#008000; color:white;”], SilentxxBunny~~
[attr style=”background-color:#008000; color:white;”], sitebender~~
[attr style=”background-color:#008000; color:white;”]
[attr style=”background-color:#008000; color:white;”], ~~[attr style=”background-color:#008000; color:white;”], ~~[attr style=”background-color:#008000; color:white;”], Everyone~~(see forum)~~[attr style=”background-color:#008000; color:white;”]
Key: Red = gift not submitted Yellow-Green = gift nearly submitted Green = gift submitted.
Here’s my gift to all the participants: A participation pin! Woot Woot!
The pin will have your username emblazoned at the bottom, immortalizing your Santa glory and good cheer! How awesome is that?
Those who submit a gift will receive their personalized pin after the gift-making deadline.
Anywho, as I said last time, Merry Christmas!… or… Happy Holidays, Season’s Greetings, or Happy Festivus (or any other politically correct way of saying it) and have a Happy (and productive!) New Year!! —HMM