Site is complete.

I did a little bit of fine tuning to the website yesterday.  I still have some work to do on the BST site, but that’s kind of it’s own little entity.  I must say that I believe the HMQ site is complete.  It looks like everything works and all is well.  It seems to be missing something, though, but I’m not sure what.

I suppose I can start working on the next update.  I kinda want a Sci-Fi page, so look for that in the next few months.

A couple other ideas I’m toying with are:

– A ‘Musician Highlight’ for the ‘Music’ page.  Links to music creation software.
Listing my music equipment for reference.  Possibly listing my CD/music library (would be a lot of work).
– More links on the ‘Railroad’ page.
– Getting a couple screen shots of the games I was working on, if possible.
– Doing an interview with someone would be fun.
– A new page showcasing some of my artwork – like a portfolio.

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