My first banner for StrangeOne101 Games

No Update For April.

Aww, rats.  Maybe by the end of June???  How lame.

HOWEVER– I’ve been working with GameMaker again and started designing logos and banners for the folks at the GMC.  I’ll have to include a page on the site or something.  I’ve got a couple of new game titles to throw in to the HayMan Games page as well.  Now, it’s just a matter of priorities, right? …

ReverbNation creation and MUSIC MAESTRO page finished

I haven’t been slacking too bad.  I created a ReverbNation page for myself and finished updating the Music Maestro page.  I haven’t decided what to do next.  I s’pose we’ll just hafta wait and see, won’t we?

HayMan at ReverbNation

HomeFront page completed.

Yes!  One step closer to an update.  I’ve finished updating the HomeFront page.  I won’t be uploading it until the entire site is updated.  I’ve got five more ‘big’ page updates to go, plus work needs to be done on the BST band page.  This was an all day project, so I need a break.  At least I’m up to speed now.  The rest of the work SHOULD come along much faster now.  (Should.)